Prison Management Initiative

Prisons can be breeding grounds for radicalisation to violence of disenfranchised individuals. Prisons with weak management processes and procedures are particularly at risk of becoming recruitment grounds for terrorist organisations; risks that are heightened as returning fighters and violent extremists are detained or imprisoned.

The IIJ’s current focus is on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders, with two online expert meetings bringing together practitioners in the area of risk assessment to identify gaps, needs and challenges with regards to risk assessment, and good practices and information on risk assessment tools. The expert meetings are supporting development of a tailored curriculum and a train-the-trainer module for future capacity-building. 

With support from the

Government of the United States
Government of Morocco
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Supporting Implementation of Good Practices for Rehabilitation and Reintegration

IIJ curricula supports implementation of the GCTF’s Rome Memorandum on Good Practices for Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders and actions called for in UN Security Council Resolutions 2178 and 2396, including measures to maintain a safe and human environment, and tools to assess and help address radicalisation to violence and terrorist recruitment within prisons. The IIJ also integrates the UNODC Handbook on the Effective Management of Violent Extremist Prisoners, and complementary workstreams by UNODC and the Council of Europe on critical areas such as prison intelligence and safeguarding HUMINT in the prison context, recruiting and using informants, and the benefits of multi-agency approaches to prison intelligence.

In Action

IIJ Prison Management Initiative: Second Online Expert Meeting on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders

In June 2021, with funding from the Government of France, the IIJ delivered the second in a series of two expert meetings on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders. The main objective of this project...

IIJ Prison Management Initiative: First Online Expert Meeting on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders

In April 2021, with support from the Government of France, the IIJ convened an initial expert meeting as part of an exciting project to develop a specialised counter-terrorism capacity-building and train-the-trainer programme on Risk Assessment of...

IIJ Prison Management Initiative: Effective Prison Management of VEs and TOs, including Vulnerable Populations

In July – August 2019, the IIJ held a workshop in Marrakech, Morocco, on Effective Prison Management of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders, including Vulnerable Populations. The workshop was convened under the IIJ Prison Management Initiative – one of...

Practitioner Tools & Resources

Addendum to The Hague – Marrakech Memorandum on Good Practices for a More Effective Response to the FTF Phenomenon

IIJ – Hedayah Principles for Reintegrating Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs)

IIJ Prison Management Recommendations to Counter and Address Prison Radicalisation

Rome Memorandum on Good Practices for Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders