


Gail Malone

Director, Programmatic Unit

Gail joined the IIJ in September 2021 as Director of Programmes. A member of the IIJ Senior Management Team, she supervises the Institute’s programmatic work – including developing and implementing counter-terrorism programmes and workshops for criminal justice sector practitioners. Gail supervises and mentors a team of Programme Managers who lead delivery of programmes under the Core Initiatives and Workstreams. Prior to joining the IIJ team, Gail served as the U.S. Department of Justice’s Resident Legal Advisor to Benin and Togo and later Senegal, focusing on counter-terrorism training and programmes to increase the objectivity and transparency of justice institutions. She has been a U.S. federal prosecutor for more than 25 years, specialising in violent crime and cybercrime, and has been involved in rule of law training programmes internationally since 2002.




Reinhard Uhrig

Director, Administration & Outreach

Reinhard joined the IIJ as Director of Administration and Outreach in October 2014. A member of the Senior Management Team, he is in charge of IIJ administration, financial planning and management, and outreach, and has assisted with the development of a vision and strategic plan to guide the IIJ.

Reinhard previously served as Deputy Head, Transnational Threats Department (TNTD/ATU), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), supervising counter terrorism programmes and managing a team of ten international staff members. He previously worked in the Representative Office of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ramallah (Palestinian Territories), and the United Nations Organisation on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in both its Vienna headquarters and the Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Regional Office.




Marie Compère

Director, Academic Unit

Marie joined the IIJ as Director of the Academic Unit in April 2020. A member of the IIJ Senior Management Team, she oversees the design and implementation of Core Courses on counter-terrorism and transnational crime for judicial practitioners delivered by the Academic Unit and leads the Academic Unit’s team of fellows and programmatic staff. She is also responsible for coordinating and collaborating with Academic Unit donors and partners to support the work of the Unit and the broader IIJ mission of building the capacity of criminal justice practitioners.

Prior to joining the IIJ, she served at the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) and was in charge of international training activities for practitioners in the fight against terrorism, organised crime and international criminal justice, in the framework of bilateral, European (EJTN, Council of Europe, EUROJUST, EUROPOL) and multi-sectoral projects funded by international donors in Europe, Africa, Asia and Central Asia. Marie also brings 15 years of experience as a prosecutor and examining judge in France.







Steven Hill

Executive Secretary

Mr. Steven Hill joins the IIJ after more than 20 years of public service in support of justice and the rule of law at national and multinational levels. In his previous role, he served as the Director for Global Criminal Justice and Multilateral Affairs at the National Security Council at the White House in Washington. Prior to this role, Mr. Hill served for six years as the chief legal advisor to the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels.

Mr. Hill has extensive experience in international law and cooperation at the multilateral and bilateral levels. He has previously worked as Counselor for Legal Affairs at the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York, where he represented the Government of the United States on a wide range of issues in the Security Council and General Assembly and served on the supervisory boards of several international tribunals. He also led the legal unit at the International Civilian Office in Kosovo, where his work focused on advising and building the capacity of local authorities. Steven is a member of the New York bar.

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