IIJ RFTFs Initiative: Rehabilitating and Reintegrating TFs/RFTFs – Final Joint Workshop with Chad and Mali

4 - 6 February 2020
Valletta, Malta

In February 2020, the IIJ convened the final in a series of seven capacity-building workshops on Rehabilitating and Reintegrating RFTFs in Chad and Mali.

The previous six capacity-building workshops (three each in Chad and Mali) focused on developing recommendations and action plans for amending their respective national CVE policies to include the rehabilitation and reintegration of terrorist fighters.


This final joint Chad-Mali workshop provided an opportunity for the practitioners from both countries to present their respective recommendations and action plans. The workshop brought together judges, prosecutors, investigators, correction officers, gendarmerie, social workers and religious leaders from various organisations in Chad and Mali, consultants from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and representatives from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF), Hedayah, UNCTED and UNICRI.


Following this final workshop, the practitioners leading this effort for Chad and Mali will be working on implementation of the recommendations and action plans. Evaluation visits to N’Djamena, Chad, and Bamako, Mali, to assess implementation and realisation of the goals of this project are scheduled for September 2020.

This project is supporting implementation of key recommendations articulated in the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) Addendum to The Hague – Marrakech Memorandum on Good Practices for a More Effective Response to the FTF Phenomenon, with a focus on Returning FTFs.

For more information on this workshop or the IIJ RFTFs Initiative, please contact Director, Programmatic Unit, Gail Malone.

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