IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: MENA Regional Workshop on the GCTF’s Glion Recommendations on the Use of Rule of Law-Based Administrative Measures

25 June - 15 July 2021

In June and July 2021, the IIJ, and our Valletta Partner, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), collaborated to deliver the IIJ – ICCT Online Workshop on Applying Administrative Measures within a Counter-Terrorism Context and Rule of Law Framework. This third iteration, implemented with support from the Government of Switzerland, brought together 27 counter-terrorism practitioners from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco and Saudi Arabia to support implementation of the GCTF’s Glion Recommendations as well as familiarise themselves with the concept of utilising administrative measures within a counter-terrorism context.

The workshop modules addressed a series of important questions pertaining to the use of administrative measures in the counter-terrorism context, including:

  • What a legal framework for the use of administrative measures could look like?
  • How oversight on the legitimate use of these measures can be organised?
  • How to set up mechanisms to make risk assessments?
  • How to ensure that international human rights standards are respected when implementing and using administrative measures in the counter-terrorism context?

Prior to the start of the online live sessions, participants were led through and commented on a series of six pre-recorded videos. During the four dynamic live sessions, they engaged in and applied what they had learned to two comprehensive case studies, supported by a comprehensive Training Manual and the GCTF's Glion Recommendations.

Practitioners reported that the workshop was both enlightening and instructive, and that the complexity and realism of the case studies had put into key practical context the rule of law considerations when using administrative measures.

For more information on this workshop, please contact Junior Programme Manager Gabriel Monterrosa.

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