IIJ Investigations Initiative: Phase 3 – Multi-Agency ‘Intelligence-led, Evidence-driven’ Counter-Terrorism Investigation Capacity Building, Cameroon

21 - 24 January 2020
Yaoundé, Cameroon

In January 2020, the IIJ convened in Yaoundé, Cameroon, the third phase of a multi-agency counter-terrorism ‘Intelligence-led, Evidence-driven’ capacity building programme, delivered under the IIJ Investigations Initiative, with generous support from the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the British High Commission in Yaoundé. The selected and previously trained cohort of senior personnel drawn from intelligence, law enforcement, prosecution and judicial disciplines participated in a complex and interactive four-day investigation exercise, led by IIJ’s Senior Investigations Officer, Mr. Joe Connell, seconded by the Government of the United Kingdom, as well as trainers (former practitioners) with extensive experience and expertise in the subject matter.

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The training was underpinned by, and supported implementation and operationalisation of, international counterterrorism good practices, including the GCTF's Recommendations for Using and Protecting Intelligence Information In Rule of Law-Based, Criminal Justice Sector-Led Investigations and Prosecutions and other key memoranda, and human rights standards and protections. The programme built capacity across a number of key skills areas, including: joint-agency cooperation and collaboration methodology; information sharing mechanisms; intelligence development; intelligence and evidential analysis; the management of threat, risk and vulnerabilities; and the production of physical, digital and witness evidence. A fourth phase of this programme, to be held in March 2020, will further hone and sharpen the numerous legal, strategic and tactical recommendations emanating from the training for presentation to the Government of Cameroon.

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For more information on this workshop or the IIJ Investigations Initiative, please contact Senior Investigations Advisor Philip Tucker.

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